Tuesday, April 22, 2008

My brave little man

This past Friday we, after much thought and consideration, had Jackson circumcised. It was a one day surgery at Children's Hospital. We arrived at 6:30am and he was taken back around 9 and back in my arms around 10:30. I could not be more proud of my little boy. I expected things to be much worse than they were. As I have mentioned before, Jackson is addicted to his "ba-ba" (he must have milk and lots of it and it may not be in a sippy cup but in a bottle. This is not up for discussion with him). His last bottle was Thursday night around 9pm and I thought he would drive us crazy all day Friday asking for it. Now don't get me wrong, he asked for it many times but never went to the extreme I had imagined.
After the surgery we were told that we could leave as soon as he peed. Great, the kid overflows overnight diapers all the time. We could be home by noon, right?
No..... not even close. I thought we were going to be overnight guests. He was not interested in the clear liquids he was being offered to drink because he wanted a "ba-ba". I think around 3pm he was sleeping and Kevin asked the nurse to put some apple juice in a bottle. I didn't think he would drink it but I slid that nipple in his mouth while sleeping and he sucked a good 6 ounces. We were on our way to being released. We checked his diaper every 30 minutes all day and nothing. We broke the record for the time it takes a toddler to pee after surgery. I asked what happened if he never went and she said that they would probably send us home but only after inserting a cathater. I was shocked and terrified. How could they stick a tube into his poor little boy part after cutting on it? No chance in hell. They were going to have to get through me first. He had to pee!!!!
We requested more pain meds and while she was gone we took his diaper off for another check and out it came. That sweet little thing peed all over me, the bed, the floor. It was a thing of beauty! Kevin and I were really jumping up and down and cheering. She came back and we very proudly showed her the mess. We were free. She took his IV out and 12 hours later it was over.
We got home and gave him his "ba-ba" and he slept all night long.
He gets better every day. The first week is the hardest and we are almost there.
He is an amazing little boy. I couldn't love him more. I am a very proud Mommy.

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