Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Our First Anniversary!!

Today, April 16, is the one year anniversary of the happiest day of our lives. We held our children for the first time and our lives as a "Forever Family" had finally begun. Looking back on these pictures from Vietnam reminded me just how far we've come. Not only Jackson & Isabel but Kevin and I as parents. We didn't have a clue about how we were going to go from zero to two babies in the span of one amazing moment in that orphanage. Overall, I think we've done a pretty good job if I do say so myself. :)

All of these pictures were taken during our 2 1/2 week stay in Hanoi with the exception of the first. It was taken about 2 weeks before we left and is of the wonderful caregivers who took such great care of our babies. They loved our children for us while we waited. Jackson's even wrote him a sweet poem/letter that was translated for us while we were there. I'll share it with you one day.

Tonight we took the kids to the Botanical Gardens after work to start our new tradition. Every year on this day we want to have a family picture taken. Some wonderful friends of ours (very talented photographers - thank you Babs & Aleisha!!!!!) met us there and took a few (300 or so) pictures of us and the kids. I think our odds are pretty good that we'll get a few great ones. (You'll see the best ones here soon so stay tuned!)

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