Saturday, July 18, 2009

85 degrees in July

If you don't live in the South, 85 degrees may seem hot. Well, 85* and zero humidity is a dream day compared to 95+ and crazy humidity. Today was that dream day in July and we're having another tomorrow. I wanted to go to the Zoo because that is one of those places I've been avoiding going in this sweltering heat. The kiddos weren't in the best of moods but they behaved very well. They were a little whiney but still had a good time. I had a great day. It was fabulous to push/chase the kids through the zoo for almost 4 hours and not break a sweat. We got there early (like 9:30) and it didn't start to get packed until we were leaving. It was "Harry Potter Day" at the zoo so by the time we were walking to the car all the kids were in their HP cloakes. The kid that was operating the carousel today had a Harry Potter book in his hand the whole time. He would read it during the ride and then just put it under his arm when the ride was over. Load. Unload. Read. He had a system. :)
Don't have many good photos today. Some though. My battery died on me like an hour into the zoo. Let's just say I was a little frustrated. Must get a back-up battery asap.

Waitin' on the train

1 comment:

Mom said...

Yeah! We went to the zoo this Saturday as well. Couldn't pass up the nice cool weather. I think it was still in the low 90's when we left there around 2 pm. Anything below 100 here is a beautiful day!

Great pics of your darlings, as always!
