Friday, July 24, 2009

Mommy learns a lesson

I learned a very valuable lesson in Target tonight. The kids and I went out for a quick bite (Kevin is working) and then to Target to buy Isabel some more "big girl underwear" and some Pop-Tarts. Let me say that she has done a great job this week with the potty training. I am so proud of her. She is like a totally different child. She knows when she needs to go (pee & poop) and climbs up on the potty and VOILA! Yea Iz!!!! Well, when we left the restaurant both kids peed in the potty like little champions. I'm such a proud Mom! Next stop was Target. We were on like aisle 4 and Iz said she needed to potty. The potty was on the other side of the store so I told her to "hold on a minute" because I was looking for the stupid Pop-Tarts. You can imagine where this is going, right? Literally 2 minutes later I had the PopTarts in hand and I heard what sounded like a drink was being spilled on the floor only it was not a beverage. She peed in the middle of the aisle. She was sitting inside the cart and Jackson likes to sit up by me in the actual seat. Anyway, she was wearing a short sundress and her little panties so really all that got wet was her panties and the floor. So as far as an accident goes I think I got off really easy. Target wasn't so lucky but I sure was. I did tell her that it was not her fault. She told me she needed to go and I chose not to listen. Bad Mommy. I apologized to my little girl and promised her it wouldn't happen again. :) Lesson learned.


Jen said...

It happens to all of us...In some ways I think diapers were easier (especially with two kids!)

Mom said...

Diapers were easier! Even with only one kid. We still carry a pull-up around with us for emergencies - either when no potty is close or when the one we find is an auto-flushing kind. Annika is still scared to use "the flushing kind". Had to use the emergency pull-up Friday night on the way to the lake when we stopped at McD's to pp and found they had the "bad" kind of potty.
