Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Beach - Day 2 (AM)

They were all up bright & early Friday morning.

This is one of my favorites. I think I may blow it up and hang it above the fireplace. :)
I need to record his laugh more often. It's the greatest sound in the world.

It's so sad when things just don't go your way.

I love this happy little girl!

I asked the kids to be nice. Please.

Isabel literally stalked baby Nicholas. She is totally infatuated with him.

"Baby Nicholas" didn't get out much at the beach. 6 weeks old is a bit young for sandcastles. :)


Susan said...

Look at you blogging from the beach! I've been wanting to comment on all these pics on facebook... but I'm in facebook jail at the moment and can't comment on anything...... anyhoo, the pics are so precious and it looks like you guys area having a fabulous time!!!

Debbie said...

Yay...I made it to comments.

What a great beach and the kids...oh my, they are precious.

I love Jackson in his undies and the pictures of Isabel crying and then smiling are perfect. Isn't that exactly the way it is?

I am sure a great time was had by all. :-)