Saturday, June 6, 2009

My daughter, the superhero!

Ok, before I get to the Superhero story let's start here. Friday afternoon when the kids woke up from their nap I decided it was time for a haircut. Jackson was starting to be called a girl again (I still don't get it) and I had already trimmed Isabel's bangs a week ago. For some reason, Jackson had rather go to the Dr's office than get a haircut. It's always been like this. I have no explanation. Isabel is fine with it. Not scared and sits in the chair as still as I've ever seen her. Great. Well, before I brought up getting a haircut I asked the kids if they would like to get some ice cream. Yes, Yes. They wanted ice cream. So I said, ok, let's first go get a haircut and then we'll go get ice cream. Well, he was not fooled. Crying started. "No haircut, Mommy!" So, UGH!!!!!!!
I went from ice cream to a candy bar and I'm still dealing with tears. So I did what I felt needed to be done. I went straight to the top. I offered up the toy store for a new Thomas train. Done. We were in the car in just a few minutes off to get the haircut. He was hesitant and started to cry when it was his turn but I "nipped it in the bud" so to say. "Jackson Moore, you are going to sit down in that chair and get your hair cut like a big boy. No hair cut, no train." Needless to say, the hair is cut. ;)
(And yes, I know I'm being played by my son).
So, we're in the toy store FOREVER while they look at everything, touch everything, and ask a zillion questions. They have a Thomas the Train table in the store for the kids to play with so leaving can take awhile. Isabel hadn't found anything and then I heard her yell, "Mommy, look". What caught her eye? A bright red (Superhero) cape. She was literally jumping up and down. She is so funny with this thing on. Cracks me up, this kid.
Making silly faces

He is showing off his new trains. (He does not like to wear clothes at home)
Here she is, the Superhero!
On our way to GanGan's to swim


Anonymous said...

Too funny about the haircut and train!!! The haircut looks great!

Ange said...

Fantastic photos! you can just see how much fun they are having.

Holly Browder said...

Too cute!!