Thursday, May 28, 2009

The rain has stopped!

It stopped. It has been raining for weeks. Driving me literally insane. I feel like the kids and I have been locked indoors for years! :)
On the rare occasion that the rain has taken a break it has, of course been on a day which I am at work. And what happens on my off days? RAIN!
On Wednesday the clouds parted and the sun came out and we got to get back to the zoo. Yea!!
The kids were NOT angels that day. A little whiney but I was so very happy to be outside I didn't even care when Iz had a little "fit" when I denied her a toy in the gift shop. Poor little girl. :(

I do believe this is the best shot of the day. Thank you Isabel!

They saw this at the same time. Both ran. Fighting began. See her "monkey face"

Jackson got the first turn because Iz was behaving badly. ;)

OK. She's happy. Jackson moved out of her way.

A little "time out" with a bag of chips


Holly Browder said...

Great pictures!! Any yeah for the sun!!!!

Mom said...

What?! You denied Iz a toy? Oh my. Not nearly enough spoiling going on there, I see. ;)


Buffy said...

Your pictures are so great! I've got to get more practice so I can have some good ones like you!

Jen said...

You really appreciate the outdoors after you are stuck in, we sure know about that around here too! I feel your pain! Love the pic of Iz with her hand over her mouth and the one of J looking at the ground. You are good with that camera girl!