Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Bruises and the Science Museum

Poor Isabel. Her poor little face. Since she fell at school last Friday, her eyes have gotten more and more bruised, blue, purple. Kevin is calling her a racoon but what is her reply to this?..."I not a racoon, I a little girl". So incredibly cute but she looks like she was in a brawl at church day care. :)
I tried to get a picture that showed the extremity of the many colors around this child's eyes but this was about as good as I can get so you've got to look closely.
Both the kids hair is way too long (epecially Jackson's) but we've got an appt @ 3:30 tomorrow to deal with that. Her bangs hide the bruises so it's really going to be noticed now. My little tough girl :)

Next I've got some pictures from 2 different trips to the Science Museum. This is Uncle Rhett on the Bed of Nails

Isabel was brave enough to lay on the Bed of Nails (Jackson NOT interested)
I realize how long his hair is now - he's been called a girl twice this week :)

Watching a "Thomas the Train" (Jackson is behind Iz - mesmerized)

Archaeological dig-site

Safety First! :)


Samantha said...

Looks like fun!

Jen said...

Looks like a good time! Can't wait to see pictures of the haircut!

Debbie said...

Iz is one smart girl protecting herself from any further eye-area damage. ;-)

Jackson most definitely does *not* look like a girl. Silly people.