Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Dead "Ba-ba" Walking

Here are the pictures of the kids walking Jackson's bottles outside to hand over to the Mommy & baby squirrels. :)

When I got home later that night I put a new tractor and a Mrs. Potato Head on the front porch and waited for the kids to get out of the bath. I called for them to come and look outside! "Hurry!!! The Mommy squirrels have left toys to thank you for giving them the Ba-ba's!" They ran to see and were so happy with the gifts the Mommy squirrels had chosen for them. ;)

Jackson is doing remarkably well, I'm thrilled to say. He'll still ask for a bottle but we just remind him that he gave them to the squirrels and that is usually the end of it.

Holy crap! Did we do it? Could it be this easy? Am I jinxing it? I'll let you know tomorrow.
Fingers crossed, please.

He is waving bye-bye to his ba-ba's

She looks guilty
A little lollipop for dessert

These are from Saturday morning. We played kitchen for a while. Isabel cooked.

Jackson & I built towers out of blocks

Yes, I have officially given over my living room to the kids and their toys


Anonymous said...

your plan was brilliant, the kids are adorable, and thanks for the "I's a little girl" story!!


Susan said...

I love how the train table has become the coffee table! It happens doesn't it??? We had Lizzie's kitchen set and table in chairs in the dining room... THAT was our dining room furniture!! Good times!

Debbie said...

Sorry to say that I have been preoccupied and just getting caught up on the ba-ba/squirrel story....you are a GENIUS!!