Wednesday, January 28, 2009

A very "Blah" day

It's Wednesday again, my mid-week off day. Good news is Isabel's bruised little face is getting better evey day. Bad news is she's been sick all week. Not bad sick, we are incrdibly lucky with the health of our kids. They have been (knock on wood) amazingly healthy in their young little lives. This is only the 3rd fever she has had since 9 months old. I really think Jackson has only had a fever twice since 8 months. Not the first ear infection in either (I have heard they are awful). I am truly blessed with my kids.
Anyway, she stayed home with me today (she was home with her Daddy on Monday, her GanGan took her to the Dr. for us on Tues.) but I sent Jackson to school today and we went to pick him up at 1:00. She hadn't had a fever in over 24 hours so I took her in because one of her teachers was having "Isabel withdrawals" and Iz wanted to see her friends. So far, it was a good day. I let her watch Dora & Diego for too long but I was able to get a little cleaning done. (I really appreciate Diego :)
It rained all day and was 30 degrees colder than yesterday. :(
Naptime sucked. Both of them put up a fight. Screaming, crying. They did at least take turns with it. If Jackson was screaming Isabel would say "be quiet Jackson" and Jackson does the same with her. They were incredibly good for a long time with sleep so I'm not trying to complain. Between the loss of Jackson's bottle and Isabel being sick it's just not the recipe for agreeable toddlers at naptime.
They have been driving each other crazy. They know what to do or say to get the other one to cry and come running to me. She has stopped with the biting (thank goodness) but has decided to pinch. Which in turn causes him to cry, then hit her which causes her to cry. This has not been the greatest week. I've been short with the kids and I hate that. But when Kevin is only home for 2 out of the 7 nights in the week I start to feel like a single Mom. And to all you single Mom's out there - my hats off to you. It's SOOOOO hard to do this by yourself! Sometimes I feel like I may lose my mind.
On a positive note, my god, if I don't have the smartest, funniest, most beautiful kids in the world. They amaze me every single day. Isabel's communication skills are growing like crazy. I can really talk to her, almost rationalize with her. She really listens to what you are saying to her.
She wore pull-ups for the first time today and I had no idea how much she would love this! They have princesses and castles on them but she calls them her "mermaid" pants. She even peed in the potty once. I have decided not to go crazy with this potty training thing. I don't really need any more stress right now. I don't think Jackson is anywhere close to being interested in potty training so I'll start with Iz.
Jackson is all smiles (when it's not time to go to sleep). And his eyes truly sparkle. I wish you could all see this. My Mom says his eyes "dance". So incredibly sweet and such a Momma's boy. My little teddy bear.
It's not just naptime that sucks, it's bedtime as well. All week it's been 10 or so before the kids are both asleep. I went from putting them down at 8:30 to having to sit on the edge of one of their beds to stop them from crying. I know it's just a phase but OMG!
Another ramble: My kids LOVE to take medicine. They think it's a treat, like dessert or something. Ella, my neice HATES it. So what about your kids? Love it, hate it, or just tolerate?

This is Isabel taking her medicine this am

At dinner tonight. And, no, it's not that cold in the house.

Doesn't her bruise look better?


SRG said...

AJ LOVES taking medicine. Maybe it is because I don't give her sweets but she thinks it is great. I'm sure that will change when she gets older.

Mom said...

Chicken Little used to hate medicine. Horrible ordeal to try and get it down her. Now? She loves it. I think it changed around about 15 months or so in age.

You are very lucky on their health!


Jen said...

My two love medicine. When J was taking antibiotics and N was not, I had to give her some juice in a little dropper to keep her from freaking out every time J got his medicine! Hang in there with the sleep, we go through rough patches too. Just hang on and it will get better.